
I've been using a hodgepodge of a facial skincare routine for a few months now. I don’t know what my deal is. I always have an idea of what products I want to try and then I never end up buying any of them!

Cleanse: Soap (NO IDEA what brand I just know that it’s “SOAP”!)

Tone: Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2

Moisturize: LUSH Skin Drink

The only thing I actually bought is the moisturizer from LUSH. The soap just appeared and the toner is from my cousin Heather (She left it when she stayed with me for a few days last year!). My skin is not the greatest. I am almost 25 and I have a blemish here and there. It’s annoying. It’s time to get serious! I need to find a stable routine and get myself together! ; )

I don’t think I have many readers just yet.. But, hello there! Yeah.. YOU! What’s your skincare routine? What should I try? Any products you love? Please share! 


  1. My face is pretty sensitive, I use cetaphil in the shower, and now that it's drier out, clean and clear facial lotion to keep it moisturizerd. Check out bleubirds facial routine. I was going to look into those products



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